How to remove Punctis Plugin

February 8, 2014 on 11:13 pm | In Malware analysis | 2 Comments

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware detects and removes a new application called Punctis Plugin.

How do I know if I am infected with Punctis Plugin?

This is how the main screen of the potentially unwanted application looks:
main screen
How do I remove Punctis Plugin?

Visit our forums for detailed instructions. You can also get help there should you need it.

And note that the full version of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware could have protected your computer against this threat.
We use different ways of protecting your computer(s):

  • Dynamically Blocks Malware Sites & Servers
  • Malware Execution Prevention

Save yourself the hassle and get protected.

Pieter Arntz


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  1. Goodmorning,
    I’m the Product Manager of Punctis. Punctis is not an hijacker malware, it is an Italian company and startup which allows users to collect points during their browsing activity. The users is aware of this, he has to signup, decide to download our plugin, install it, configure it. We have of course a regular Privacy Policy. So, we are not a malware at all. Several Italian newspaper wrote about our tool, for example
    So, I kindly ask you to quickly remove this misunderstanding thread that is causing us a huge offens to our company.

    Comment by Guido Arata — March 2, 2014 #

  2. I will allow your defense, so people can make up their own mind.

    Comment by metallica — March 2, 2014 #

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